Braw Wee Pop Up Portraits!

Braw Wee Pop Up Portraits!

Braw Wee Pop Up Portraits!

Yesterday I took my 'Pop Up Portraits' event to the east end of Glesga' for the first time popping up at the wonderful Braw Wee Emporium in the BAad which is situated in the iconic Barras market. 

My pop up portraits events are different to my usual commission pieces as I get customers to choose a pre made printed background (that I have illustrated before the day) and then I draw them live action into the piece in 30 mins. It's a very hectic day and it's fun to work in such a fast paced way, it's a challenge to get them all done in the 30 min time slots but has to be done so I can keep on track for the day! I always meet so many interesting folk and I think it's really nice for customers to come along and see their portrait take shape in front of their eyes.
Couples, families and even 2 cute wee dogs (Gazza and Albus!) dropped by on the day and I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who came along to the event it was such a pleasure to meet all of you and draw your lovely faces!
The Braw Wee Emporium was one of my earliest stockists and it was such a joy to set up there to do portraits for the day, Jennifer the owner been such a great support to my wee business since the early days and it's so great to continue to work together. If you have not checked out the Braw Wee Emporium it's a wonderful quirky gift shop with products all made in Scotland! They sell gifts, music and even hold workshops! 
I plan to host another 'Pop Up Portraits' event later on in the year but for the time being if you are looking for a custom drawn family portrait or couple portrait you can see some examples on my website and purchase direct from there too.